May 22, 2020 was the International Day for Biological Diversity! Given the scope of the world-wide extinction of animal and plant species – currently 20 to 50 species become extinct every day, according to Bund Naturschutz – every day should be a day of action for the preservation of biological diversity! This diversity of ecological systems, the biodiversity and the genetic diversity within species must be protected. It is about nothing less than the preservation of our natural resources! Every measure to protect species and the preservation of ecological systems is of crucial importance.
The Andechser Dairy Scheitz is a 100% organic dairy working with milk suppliers certified by the organizations that operate according to the guidelines of the certified organizations of Bioland, demeter, Naturland or Biokreis, which meet the Andechser organic standards in the sense of resource-efficient ecological farming. With this kind of farming, which is a closed-loop economy with corresponding crop rotations, without the use of pesticides and herbicides, using organic fertilization and long soil regeneration periods, soundness and fertility of the soil – the basis of existence for plants, animals and humans – is promoted. Furthermore, this kind of agricultural land use creates a powerful lever for increasing biodiversity and preventing its dramatic decrease – including that of the local flora and fauna.
Ecologically farmed meadows have a more than five-fold content of mold than arable land in the topsoil and are characterized by a larger biodiversity and more plant species. Numerous Andechser Natur organic farmers are engaged in biodiversity beyond the preservation of the organization’s guidelines – many keep cattle breeds from the ‘red list’ and promote the protection of species and the preservation of ecological systems, with simple, yet efficient measures. You’ll find orchards on the farmsteads in more than 90% of the organic farmers supplying Andechser Dairy Scheitz, and with stone walls, 42% offer a home to special plant and animal species. Insect hotels can be found on34% of farms and 28% have beehives. There are flower strips and natural insect homes such as old tree trunks and stinging nettles that are left untouched to become the basis of life for particular plants and animals.
On the premises of Andechser Dairy Scheitz you’ll find designated grassed areas where wild flowers and herbs grow naturally. The buildings that were newly developed in the inspiring Hundertwasser style in the context of the conversion and modernization concepts, have been fitted out with greened roofs where insects find further food resources. Six bat boxes on the premises offer homes for the severely endangered nocturnal mammals.
Become active! How can we protect animals and plants: